Chris Watts Lifetime Movie: Is it important to get the details right, and which one is TOTALLY wrong?

Do you know the game “spot the differences”? You hold up one picture, compare it to another and then it’s a matter of vigilance: how many things are different? In true crime, where a crime is dramatized – always a worthwhile exercise – the apposite question to ask is whether these differences matter. Do they?

Something is very wrong in one or more of the images provided here. Does it take a True Crime Rocket Science to figure it out, or can you?


chris-watt-7chris-watt-8Fullscreen capture 20191120 083613

Chris Watts: Confessions of a Killer will premiere on Jan. 25 at 8 p.m. ET on Lifetime, followed by Beyond the Headlines: The Watts Family Tragedy at 10 p.m. ET.

See the First Photos from Lifetime’s Movie About Dad Who Killed Wife and Daughters – People

25 thoughts on “Chris Watts Lifetime Movie: Is it important to get the details right, and which one is TOTALLY wrong?

  1. I don’t think it’s important to get some details right – like what someone is wearing, an exact replica of the house, the correct make and model of the vehicles, etc. but ages should be the same and the girls in the picture above look older than Bella and CeCe and Bella really should be closer to how she really looks, sort of goofy with short brown hair. Why are they depicting both children as blonde? It would be way more interesting to do more of an artistic interpretation capturing the essence of the individuals involved, focusing first on the married couple”s childhood at least briefly as who you were forms who you become. For example I would show the disappointment Watts must have felt in his father discovering he was using a “white powdery substance” and ruining his life as Watts said he saw. Also the lack of communication in his family, how one stays in the background, plays under the radar, puts on a happy face when there might be more going on inside.

    I would also show how Shan’ann could have been driven to having more. I would briefly show the first mansion she bought, then sold, maybe an argument or two with Leonard King, her feelings of helplessness being diagnosed with Lupus. I would set the stage. I would also make a point in my movie, that things are never what they seem. A normal “happy” family on the surface, a twisted horrible reality underneath. But Lifetime will not do this. Lifetime movies are sugar coated. Lifetime movies love to show the shiny trimmings of well scrubbed people living in shiny new houses. At the end they don’t care to answer any questions, or make a moral of the story like the way Rod Serling would wrap up his clever television shows suggesting we might all take a turn into the twilight zone when we sell our souls to lust, greed, revenge, etc. But Lifetime Movies will will tie a nice bow around the package so that we’re not left with the horror that was the Watts story that will stimulate thoughtful consideration of our own lives, but a case- closed scenario as the camera fades to black with a lone family annihilator peeking out from behind the bars of a jail cell clutching a Bible, slightly older, but no wiser.


    • I think it’s important to get all the details right, down to clothing, shoes, semantics, everything. Which is why I think I’d make a damn good documentary filmmaker.


      • What are you talking about? They are wearing patches in nearly every picture Lifetime has released about the film. Take another look. CW is wearing one while lifting weights and they both have them on in the car.


  2. I doubt there will be any mention of Thrive at all.
    Look at the picture above. Not a Thrive patch anywhere.

    I have visions of the funny video on youtube ‘The Terminator Trailer – Recut Spoof’ applying to this fluffy sunday afternoon family film


  3. One thing I see above – Watt’s necklace. He wore that everywhere and yet on the morning of the porch interview it was absent. I’ve always wondered what happened to it. Never saw it in the house either. And if we want to fine tune, the tattoos are wrong, one tiny patch isn’t what he was doing – he was using two – there is no missing paint under the Lifetime door lock, the doll is all wrong, etc.


  4. I guess lifetime don’t want to risk any possible legal action by brands who won’t want to be associated with what happened in any way. e.g. The fancy pants door security system circled. A brand sold on the illusion of providing complete security and safety from violence – the fact you’re more likely to be killed by a family member sort of challenges that! The picture in the gym makes him look a bit steroid -ragey though. And there is a notional patch on him there.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I personally don’t like these kind of movies. There fake, not real enough for me. Now if is was a Documentary, I would watch it.
    PS…….I wrote a Letter.


  6. Please take a look at this video -long acrylic nails on a man’s head and neck, for one it’s relaxing. But as you can see, the slight mark she left on his neck is more like a long scratch. Compare that to Watt’s neck wound, which shows up as an inverted V, more like a welt. Hope this copies.



    • Yes, and his injury is more like an abrasion. And leather would likely do that if it was caught tight against his skin ? It would give and stretch a little bit, then start burning and abrade the top layer of skin. And it might not necessarily be that she pulled on it – he might have leaned on it with an arm, knee or leg and pulled it tight against his skin.


    • I wonder if the necklace had any significance emotionally to him ? Say as a gift from a woman, or bought in the company of a woman ? I hadn’t really noticed it until Sylvester drew attention to it and i realised how much he wore it – sometimes dangling outside his top, sometimes tucked into the neck.


      • He wore it in his heavier days too – for instance at the pool with his children. Since the strap was leather he could probably wear it in the shower as well and never take it off. But if he did take it off, since we no longer see it Aug. 13,14, was it bagged up by the forensics team, or did he bag it up himself and toss it somewhere. I get the impression the earth is a graveyard sometimes. There are people buried who serial killers have never confessed to killing. There are clothes, and pajamas and shoes and blankets and rags and perhaps necklaces that have been tossed out of car windows or burned or thrown in dumpsters and gone to landfills that some day we might find, if it hasn’t been stomped to mush and turned into a golf course.


  7. Julie – whatever night Watts took a picture of himself and Nichole where she is wearing a print dress with a large painting behind them – The Lazy Dog? – he is wearing the same white shirt as seen at the Conoco station after his date and the necklace is very visible. It appears to be the same white shirt, with little buttons at the neck. I don’t quite see the necklace in the Conoco station CCTV camera, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t tucked inside his shirt. On the otherhand he could have taken it off at Kessinger’s, but it looks like to me he never takes it off – yet it’s oddly missing 8/13 and 8/14. Lifetime got the ornament wrong though – it’s not a metal-like “bullet”, it’s a wooden stick-like ornament. That too could have caused the welt on his neck as it dangled over his victim – either from behind or the front if she managed to get a finger hooked around beneath it. His explanation that the wound was a mosquito bite is similar to every criminal mind who injures himself during a crime – O.J. cut his finger on a broken glass after he “heard the news”, then it was chipping golf balls, and Scott Peterson was always bleeding inside his truck.


  8. Scott Reisch recently called Chris Watts The Six Million Dollar Man, and posted a picture of Watts in an indigo blue suit with wide lapels, light blue shirt and bow tie, with the same posture he had on the front porch, arms folded. It’s stunning. Watts clearly had the looks to pull off this kind of a look and one has to wonder how different things may have been for Chris Watts had he really been worth 6 million dollars, how he may have dressed, how his quiet ways would have been seen as suave, debonair, self-confident, if he were a man of means and had come from money.


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