3 thoughts on ““Hypnotized” Chris Watts Turns on Nichol in 5-Page Letter – But Says He Still Loves Her

  1. (I keep forgetting that you have a site!)
    Watts is a fairly decent writer if this him. He’s still vague and deflective. We all know that he was under a lust spell with Kessinger. The stones connection is stupid. Kessinger has a degree in geology, of course she’d enjoy stone. Plus, it’s common for New Age types to claim all kinds of stuff. I have more stones than I can count. Never have I used them for dark energy. 🙄
    I personally think Kessinger was giving the “get yourself single or I’m out” speech during that 111 minute call. According to his movement tracker on both of his phones he was busy. It would explain Kessinger’ evasiveness and hesitancy speaking with LE. In some instances there is culpability when pushing someone to commit crime.


  2. It’s obvious he’s trying to mitigate the heinousness of his crime in his own head, because honestly, what human being could admit to themselves that they did such a thing? But ‘Nikki and Jim Voodoo’? Give me a break. Sure, blame it on the evil temptress and her ‘stones’. He should probably start with that garbage he was taking, Thrive, lack of sleep, and the sudden overwhelming realization that his marriage sucked balls.


  3. I agree that he was a pawn in a much larger plan to ritualistically kill his family…and I believe Nichol and Jim were totally involved, and a lot more people too, to pull this off. Nichol was used to use Chris to accomplish this, with Jim’s “support” and her father’s too. She was protected by LE before she even entered the interrogation room. This Cult is Vast and I believed involved higher ups at Anadarko. Nichol ultimately gives her involvement away with her incredibly bad acting and obvious lying in the interrogation room. And the Detective force feeding him an alibi of sorts, making it seem like Shanaan murdered her two girls, makes her seem involved in this secretly as well. Why would a detective of a known murderer be rubbing his back affectionately like she did if she really thought he was a bad guy? Maybe SHE is also bad behind the scenes. All of it is incredibly suspicious. And they are feeding off the loosh and emotional energy of this case to this day.


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