Latest Conspiracy: “Nichol Kessinger’s truck spotted on August 15 [exclamation mark]”

YouTubers are really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to come up with new Chris Watts-related stuff. It wouldn’t even be fair to call this stuff “tenuous links” to the case. It’s linked to the case in the same sense that the sky above the house, and gravity under it are also linked to the rest of the neighborhood. Correlation doesn’t not imply causation, they say, but even these images aren’t correlated to actual people involved, that’s how poor the standard of true crime application is by these folks.

The latest tail-chase is car spotting, preferably red or white vehicles, using the Bodycam footage. In YouTubeLand the standard to meet is weak visual coincidences and an audience that wants to stay in Wonderland.

Spot the differences:

Fullscreen capture 20191106 140955Fullscreen capture 20191106 141004

Fullscreen capture 20191106 141006

One thought on “Latest Conspiracy: “Nichol Kessinger’s truck spotted on August 15 [exclamation mark]”

  1. It’s definitely NOT the same vihicle. The bar between the side windows is different in size and shape. the window nearest to the back of the car is not the same shape and the car make seems to be different too (or at least the design – the one on surveillance is much more “boxed” shaped, while Nikkis car is smoother/rounder).


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